Why am I getting slow read performance while testing through Thunderbolt3 interface?


Why am I getting slow read performance while testing through Thunderbolt3 interface?


On the Mac OS, the default setting would enable the SMB Signing. This SMB Signing enhances the safety of data transmission. But it will cause the slow performance when using SMB signing.
So we suggest the customer to disable it for the better performance. The customer can refer the below step to disable SMB signing. Please refer the below steps

  • Create a nsmb.conf file and type the below command

sudo touch /etc/nsmb.conf

  1. Modify the nsmb.conf file and type the below command
  2. sudo vi /etc/nsmb.conf

    1. Type the below value to disable SMB Signing
    2. [default]

      1. After that, click esc and then type “ZZ” to store the setting.
      2. Reboot the Mac client to let the setting take effect.
      3. Apply to

        All XCubeNAS series model

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